Catherine Mumelter

Vita Heriberti.

Rupert von Deutz - Biographie eines Erzbischofs.

[„Vita Heriberti“. Rupert von Deutz – Biography of an Archbishop.]

This study is concerned with the hagiography of archbishop Heribert (999-1021) of Cologne as recorded by Rupert von Deutz. On the basis of the edition of this text by Peter Dinter, Catherine Mumelter was able to find two more short versions of this mansucript – one in the Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg and the other one in Konstanz. These two short versions are transcribed, translated, and compared with the long version in terms of content and style. Mumelter also analyses the differences between the „Vita Heriberti“, written by Rupert von Deutz, and the older „Vita Heriberti“, written by Lantbert von Deutz.


157 Pages, Paperback, Date of Publication: July 2013, Format: 14,8 x 21 cm

Language: German, Latin
ISBN: 978-3-943025-09-5
37.00 €

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Medieval History /  Century / Biography of an Archbishop / Heribert of Cologne / Rupert of Deutz / Miracle / Visions / Religion / Manuscripts

Albrecht Classen, Rez. zu Catherine Mumelter: Vita Heriberti. Rupert von Deutz – Biographie eines Erzbischofs. Kiel, Solivagus-Verlag 2013, in: Mediaevistik 27 (2014), S. 394 f.

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Dr Catherine Mumelter studied Law, Psychology, History/Ethnonolgy, Christian Philosophy, and Classical Philology at the Universiy of Innsbruck, where she also worked as a research assistant. She holds diplomas and PhD degrees in each of these areas of study.


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